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Title Knihomoľský život Niny Hillovej Author Waxman Abbi 1970- Another authors Guričanová Elena (Translator) Issue data Bratislava : Lindeni , 2021. - 351 strán, 21 cm Copy count 1, currently available 1, Access to Shelves 1 Title Koruna. 5. Author Cass Kiera 1981- Another authors Exnerová Nika (Translator) Issue data Praha : CooBoo , 2017. - 264 s., 21 cm Copy count 1, currently available 1, Access to Shelves 1 Title Život je ľahký, nerob si starosti Author Martin-Lugand Agnès 1979- Another authors Szabóová Zuzana (Translator) Issue data Praha : Motto , 2016. - 308 s., 19 cm Copy count 1, currently available 0 Title První. 3. Author Cass Kiera 1981- Another authors Montorio Doležalová Jana (Translator) Issue data Praha : CooBoo , 2015. - 277 s., 21 cm Copy count 1, currently available 1, Access to Shelves 1 Title Selekce. 1. Author Cass Kiera 1981- Another authors Montorio Doležalová Jana (Translator) Issue data Praha : CooBoo , 2014. - 286 s., 21 cm Copy count 1, currently available 1, Access to Shelves 1