Number of the records: 1  

saturácia krvi kyslíkom

  1. Subject h.saturácia krvi kyslíkom
    Subject h.Oxygen Saturation
    Entry termshladina kyslíka v krvi
    koncentrácia kyslíka v krvi
    saturácia periférnej krvi kyslíkom
    English X referencesBlood Oxygen Levels
    Saturation of Peripheral Oxygen
    Scope note in EnglishExtent to which HEMOGLOBIN is saturated with OXYGEN typically as measured in arterial blood. It can be measured by various methods (e.g., PULSE OXYMETER, blood gas analysis). A low blood oxygen saturation level indicates a condition called HYPOXEMIA.
    Links (4) - ARTICLES
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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