Number of the records: 1  


  1. Subject h.protokadheríny
    Subject h.Protocadherins
    Entry termsPCDH (protokadherín)
    Pcdhs klastrované
    protokadheríny klastrované
    Pcdhs neklastrované
    protokadheríny neklastrované
    recepty neuronálne, súvisiace s kadherínmi
    English X referencesCadherin-Related Neuronal Receptors
    Clustered Pcdhs
    Clustered Protocadherins
    Non-Clustered Pcdhs
    Non-Clustered Protocadherins
    Scope note in EnglishMembers of cadherin superfamily involved in cell adhesion and cell-cell interactions in neural development. They are subdivided into clustered (cPcdhs) and non-clustered protocadherin (ncPcdhs) depending whether their genes are tandemly arranged in vertebrates.
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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