Number of the records: 1  

zákon o daňovej spravodlivosti a fiškálnej zodpovednosti

  1. Subject h.zákon o daňovej spravodlivosti a fiškálnej zodpovednosti
    Subject h.Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act
    Entry termsPL 97-248
    zákon občiansky, 97-248
    zákon o daňovej spravodlivosti
    zákon o daňovej rovnosti
    zákon USA o daňovej spravodlivosti a fiškálnej zodpovednosti
    English X referencesPublic Law 97-248
    Tax Equity Act
    United States Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act
    Scope note in EnglishPL97-248. Title II of the Act specifies provisions relating to savings in health and income security programs. This includes changes in payment for services, benefits and premiums of Medicare as well as changes in provisions under Medicaid and other specific programs covered by Social Security. Title II includes various revenue measures.
    Links (2) - ARTICLES
    (7) - BOOKS
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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