Number of the records: 1  

inhibítory angiogenézy

  1. Subject h.inhibítory angiogenézy
    Subject h.Angiogenesis Inhibitors
    Entry termsantagonisty angiogenézy
    látky angiostatické
    agensy angiostatické
    lieky antiangiogénne
    inhibítory neovaskularizácie
    faktory angiogenézy, inhibičné
    inhibítor angiogenézy
    účinky antiangiogenézne
    efekt antiangiogenézny
    English X referencesAngiogenesis Factor Inhibitor
    Angiogenesis Inhibitor
    Angiogenetic Antagonist
    Angiogenetic Inhibitor
    Angiogenic Antagonist
    Angiogenic Antagonists
    Angiogenic Inhibitor
    Angiostatic Agent
    Angiostatic Agents
    Anti-Angiogenetic Agent
    Antiangiogenic Agent
    Anti-Angiogenic Drug
    Anti-Angiogenic Drugs
    Neovascularization Inhibitor
    Neovascularization Inhibitors
    Scope note in EnglishAgents and endogenous substances that antagonize or inhibit the development of new blood vessels.
    Links (74) - ARTICLES
    (14) - MeSH descriptor
    (8) - CiBaMed
    (4) - BOOKS
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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