Number of the records: 1  

CT špirálová

  1. Subject h.CT špirálová
    Subject h.Tomography, Spiral Computed
    Entry termstomografia počítačová špirálová
    CT helikálna
    CT zobrazovanie špirálové
    CAT zobrazovanie špirálové
    English X referencesCAT Scan, Spiral
    CT Scan, Spiral
    Helical Computed Tomography
    Helical CT
    Spiral Computed Tomography
    Spiral CT
    Tomography, Helical Computed
    Scope note in EnglishComputed tomography where there is continuous X-ray exposure to the patient while being transported in a spiral or helical pattern through the beam of irradiation. This provides improved three-dimensional contrast and spatial resolution compared to conventional computed tomography, where data is obtained and computed from individual sequential exposures.
    Links (70) - ARTICLES
    (21) - CiBaMed
    (7) - BOOKS
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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