poruchy spôsobené nedostatkom reparácie DNA poruchy spôsobené nedostatočnou reparáciou DNA poruchy spôsobené deficitom opravy DNA poruchy spôsobené nedostatkom opravy DNA poruchy spôsobené nedostatočnou opravou DNA deficit reparácie DNA oprava DNA, nedostatočná
English X references
DNA Repair-Deficiency
Scope note in English
Disorders resulting from defective DNA REPAIR processes or the associated cellular responses to DNA DAMAGE.
See also reference (FX) in Slovak
gény cdc enzýmy DNA reparačné
See also reference (FX) in English
Genes, cdc DNA Repair Enzymes
(2) - MeSH descriptor
(3) - CiBaMed
subject heading
Number of the records: 1
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