Number of the records: 1  


  1. Subject h.orbitocelulitída
    Subject h.Orbital Cellulitis
    Entry termscelulitída orbitálna
    celulitída periorbitálna
    English X referencesCellulitis, Orbital
    Periorbital Cellulitis
    Peri-Orbital Cellulitis
    Scope note in EnglishInflammation of the loose connective tissues around the ORBIT, bony structure around the eyeball. It is characterized by PAIN; EDEMA of the CONJUNCTIVA; swelling of the EYELIDS; EXOPHTHALMOS; limited eye movement; and loss of vision.
    Links (12) - ARTICLES
    (1) - CiBaMed
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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