Number of the records: 1  

neuropatia, s obrovskými axónmi

  1. Subject h.neuropatia, s obrovskými axónmi
    Subject h.Giant Axonal Neuropathy
    Entry termsneuropatia axonálna, s obrovskými axónmi
    neuropatia s obrovskými axónmi (GAN)
    neuropatia so zväčšenými axónmi
    neuropatia s obrovskými axónmi, typ 1
    neuropatia obrovskoaxónová, typ1 (GAN1)
    English X referencesGiant Axonal Neuropathy 1
    Giant Axonal Neuropathy 1 (GAN1)
    Giant Axonal Neuropathy (GAN)
    Neuropathy, Giant Axonal
    Scope note in EnglishRare autosomal recessive disorder of INTERMEDIATE FILAMENT PROTEINS. The disease is caused by mutations in the gene that codes gigaxonin protein. The mutations result in disorganization of axonal NEUROFILAMENT PROTEINS, formation of the characteristic giant axons, and progressive neuropathy. The clinical features of the disease include early-onset progressive peripheral motor and sensory neuropathies often associated with central nervous system involvement (INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY, seizures, DYSMETRIA, and CONGENITAL NYSTAGMUS).
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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