Number of the records: 1
Antifungul [i. e. antifungal] drug discovery, six new molecules patented after 10 years of feast: why do we need new drugs apart from new strategies?
Title Antifungul [i. e. antifungal] drug discovery, six new molecules patented after 10 years of feast: why do we need new drugs apart from new strategies? Subtitle minireview Author info V. Krcmery, E. Kalavsky Title Objavenie antifungálnych liekov, šesť nových molekúl patentovaných za 10 rokov : prečo potrebujeme nové lieky oddelene od nových stratégií?, minireview Author Krčméry Vladimír 1960-2022
Co-authors Kalavský Erich
Note Preklep v názve, správne: antifungal. - Bibliogr. odkazy. - Res. angl. Sign. C 2997 Source Journal of health management and public health . Surveillance studies in infectious diseases and nursing. - ISSN 1335-1885 . - Vol. 10, no. 4 (2006), s. 3-8 : ilustr., tab. systematics 615.282 MeSH Subject antimykotiká : farmakológia : ekonomika
terapeutika : metódy
amfotericín B : farmakológia
rezistencia lieková
Subj. Headings posakonazol * vorikonazol * ravukonazol * echinokandíny * caspofungín * anidulafungín * micafungín Language English Country Slovak Republic Document kind Rozpis článkov z periodík Database ARTICLES article
Number of the records: 1