Number of the records: 1  


  1. NázovBiologia
    Časť.dok.Section A. Botany, Section B. Zoology, Section C. Cellular and molecular biology
    ISSN0006-3088 1335-6372 1335-6380 1335-6399
    Roč., čísloVol. 55 no. 1 (2000)
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika (0.0-)
    A contribution to the taxonomy of the nostocalean genus Richelia (0.0-),
    A reconnaissance of species-environment relationships in pond phytoplankton at Varanasi (0.0-),
    Actomyosin and exocytosis inhibitors alter root hair morphology in Poa annua (0.0-),
    Effect of sodium azide and gama-irradiation on the seed protein composition of soybean (0.0-),
    Epipactis greuteri-a new species of the Slovak flora (0.0-),
    Epiphytic lichen and moss vegetation along an altitude gradient on Mount Aenos (0.0-),
    Evalution system of the relative importance of vegetation syntaxa for nature conservation in Greece (0.0-),
    Factors affecting of grapevine cultivars, Vugava and Plavac mali micropropagation from in vitro cultured minicutting (0.0-),
    Humphries, C.J. and Parenti, L.R.: Cladistic Biogeography: Interpreting Patterns of Plant and Animal Distribution. (0.0-),
    Checklist of cyanophytes/cyanobacteria and algae of the Slovak stretch of the Danube river (0.0-),
    In memoriam RNDr. Ján Michalko, CSc. 1921-1999 (0.0-),
    Ivan Jarolímek, Marica Zaliberová, Ladislav Mucina a Sergej Mochnacký: Rastlinné spoločenstvá Slovenska 2. Synantropná vegetácia (0.0-),
    Morphogenic responses of Jatropha integerrima explant to cytokinis (0.0-),
    Primary succession on quartzite cliffs in Minas Gerais, Brazil (0.0-),
    Rolf Wisskirchen a Hennig Haeupler: Standardliste der Farn-und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands (0.0-),
    Root and rhizome growth of grasses Calamagrostis arundinacea and C.villosa on deforested sites in response to pollution and climatic impacts (0.0-),
    Some properties of a beet mosaic virus isolate from western Slovakia (0.0-),
    Vězda A. a Liška J.: Katalog lišejníků České republiky (0.0-),
    Woodward S. a kol.: Heterobasidion annosum: biology, ecology, impact and control (0.0-)
    Status periodikaprijaté (01.01.2000)
    Počet ex.2, z toho voľných 0, prezenčne 2
    Druh dok.Časopisy
    Báza dátPERIODIKÁ - Prijaté čísla


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    C 105
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Number of the records: 1  

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