Number of the records: 1
Management of the renal patient: experts' recommendations and clinical algorithms on renal osteodystrophy and cardiovascular risk factors
Title Management of the renal patient: experts' recommendations and clinical algorithms on renal osteodystrophy and cardiovascular risk factors Author info eds. Jorge B. Cannata-Andía, Jutta Passlick-Deetjen, Eberhard Ritz Title Liečba chorôb obličiek: doporučenia odborníkov a klinické algoritmy pri renálnej osteodystrofii a kardiovaskulárne rizikové faktory Another authors Cannata-Andía Jorge B. (Editor)
Passlick-Deetjen Jutta (Editor)
Ritz Eberhard 1930- (Editor)
Corporation European Renal Association
European Dialysis and Transplant Association
Year, No. Vol. 15 Suppl. 5 (2000) Issue data [S.l.] : Oxford University Press , 2000. - 154 s. Edition Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation ; Suppl. 5, ISSN 0931-0509
Chapters, articles systematics 616.61 MeSH Subject choroby obličiek : diagnostika : farmakoterapia
choroba kostná, pri chronickom ochorení obličiek : diagnostika : patofyziológia : terapia
choroby kardiovaskulárne : komplikácie : terapia
faktory rizikové
hypertenzia renálna : terapia
dialýza : metódy
Language English Country Great Britian Copy count 1, currently available 0, at library only 1 Document kind Nepravé periodiká Database BOOKS book
Call number Location Sublocation Info C 2543 sklad Rovinka - časopisyIn-Library Use Only
Number of the records: 1