Number of the records: 1  

faktor 4 podobný Kruppel

  1. Subject h.faktor 4 podobný Kruppel
    Subject h.Kruppel-Like Factor 4
    Entry termsEZF proteín
    faktor 4, podobný proteínu Kruppel
    Kruppel-podobný proteín obsahujúci zinkové prsty, endotelový
    Kruppel-podobný proteín obsahujúci zinkové prsty, endoteliálny
    Kruppel-podobný faktor 4
    proteín obsahujúci zinkové prsty, epitelový
    GKLF proteín
    Klf4 proteín
    English X referencesEndothelial Kruppel-Like Zinc Finger Protein
    Epithelial Zinc Finger Protein
    EZF Protein
    GKLF Protein
    Gut-Enriched Kruppel-Like Factor
    Klf4 Protein
    Krueppel-Like-Factor 4
    Scope note in EnglishA member of zinc finger-containing transcription factors that belongs to the KRUPPEL-LIKE FACTOR family, involved in the regulation of diverse cellular processes such as cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, and APOPTOSIS.
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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