Number of the records: 1  

peptidy podobné inzulínu

  1. Subject h.peptidy podobné inzulínu
    Subject h.Insulin-Like Peptides
    Entry termsILPs centrálne
    inzulínu podobné peptidy
    peptidy podobné inzulínu, centrálne
    inzulínu podobný rastový faktor
    inzulínu podobné rastové faktory
    inzulínu-podobné peptidy (ILPs)
    ILPs periférne
    peptidy podobné inzulínu, periférne
    English X referencesCentral ILPs
    Central Insulin-Like Peptides
    Insulin Like Growth Factor
    Insulin-Like Growth Factor
    Insulin-Like Growth Factors
    Insulin Like Peptides
    Insulin-Like Peptides (ILPs)
    Peripheral ILPs
    Peripheral Insulin-Like Peptides
    Scope note in EnglishPeptides that include INSULIN-LIKE GROWTH FACTOR 1 (IGF1), and IGF2. They influence brain development through their effects on CELL PROLIFERATION; CELL SURVIVAL; and NEUROGENESIS. They also influence post-embryonic development by serving as HORMONES; NEUROTRANSMITTERS, and GROWTH FACTORS.
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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