Number of the records: 1  


  1. Subject h.akrodermatitída
    Subject h.Acrodermatitis
    Entry termsGianottiho-Crostiho syndróm
    akrodermatitída infantilná papulárna
    akrodermatitída infantilná papulózna
    acrodermatitis papulosa infantum
    English X referencesGianotti-Crosti Syndrome
    Infantile Papular Acrodermatitis
    Scope note in EnglishInflammation involving the skin of the extremities, especially the hands and feet. Several forms are known, some idiopathic and some hereditary. The infantile form is called Gianotti-Crosti syndrome.
    Links (16) - ARTICLES
    (8) - CiBaMed
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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