Number of the records: 1  


  1. Subject h.vipóm
    Subject h.Vipoma
    Entry termsnádor diareogénny
    Vernerov-Morrisonov syndróm
    cholera pankreatická
    syndróm vodnatej diarey
    syndróm vodnatej hnačky
    hnačka vodnatá s hypokalemickou alkalózou
    diarea vodnatá s hypokalemickou alkalózou
    English X referencesDiarrheogenic Tumor
    Pancreatic Cholera
    Verner-Morrison Syndrome
    Watery Diarrhea Syndrome
    Watery Diarrhea with Hypokalemic Alkalosis
    Scope note in EnglishA tumor that secretes VASOACTIVE INTESTINAL PEPTIDE, a neuropeptide that causes VASODILATION; relaxation of smooth muscles; watery DIARRHEA; HYPOKALEMIA; and HYPOCHLORHYDRIA. Vipomas, derived from the pancreatic ISLET CELLS, generally are malignant and can secrete other hormones. In most cases, Vipomas are located in the PANCREAS but can be found in extrapancreatic sites.
    Links (11) - ARTICLES
    (5) - CiBaMed
    (2) - BOOKS
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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