choroby a abnormality novorodenecké, vrodené a dedičné
Subject h.
choroby a abnormality novorodenecké, vrodené a dedičné
Subject h.
Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities
Entry terms
choroby a abnormality novorodenecké, kongenitálne a dedičné choroby a abnormality novorodenecké poruchy vrodené poruchy kongenitálne
English X references
Congenital Disorders Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities
Scope note in English
Diseases existing at birth and often before birth, or that develop during the first month of life (INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES), regardless of causation. Of these diseases, those characterized by structural deformities are termed CONGENITAL ABNORMALITIES.
(6) - CiBaMed
(15) - BOOKS
subject heading
Number of the records: 1
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