lupienka pustulóza palmoplantárna psoriáza pustulárna, dlaní a chodidiel psoriáza dlaní a chodidiel, pustulózna pustulóza palmárna a plantárna pustulóza dlaní a chodidiel
English X references
Palmoplantaris Pustulosis Pustular Psoriasis of Palms and Soles Pustulosis of Palms and Soles Pustulosis Palmaris et Plantaris
Scope note in English
A common genetically determined, chronic, inflammatory skin disease characterized by rounded erythematous, dry, scaling patches. The lesions have a predilection for nails, scalp, genitalia, extensor surfaces, and the lumbosacral region. Accelerated epidermopoiesis is considered to be the fundamental pathologic feature in psoriasis.
(686) - ARTICLES
(60) - CiBaMed
(60) - BOOKS
subject heading
Number of the records: 1
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