Number of the records: 1  


  1. Subject h.tosylfenylalanylchlórmetylketón
    Subject h.Tosylphenylalanyl Chloromethyl Ketone
    Entry termschlórfenyltosylamidobutanón
    English X referencesChlorophenyltosylamidobutanone
    Tosylphenylalanyl Chloromethane
    Scope note in EnglishAn inhibitor of Serine Endopeptidases. Acts as alkylating agent and is known to interfere with the translation process.
    Pharmacology effect činidlá alkylačné
    inhibítory proteosyntézy
    inhibítory serínových proteináz
    Pharmacology effect Alkylating Agents
    Protein Synthesis Inhibitors
    Serine Proteinase Inhibitors
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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