Number of the records: 1  

ostrovčeky genomické

  1. Subject h.ostrovčeky genomické
    Subject h.Genomic Islands
    Entry termsostrovčeky patogenity
    English X referencesPathogenicity Islands
    Scope note in EnglishDistinct units in some bacterial, bacteriophage or plasmid GENOMES that are types of MOBILE GENETIC ELEMENTS. Encoded in them are a variety of fitness conferring genes, such as VIRULENCE FACTORS (in pathogenicity islands or islets), ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE genes, or genes required for SYMBIOSIS (in symbiosis islands or islets). They range in size from 10 - 500 kilobases, and their GC CONTENT and CODON usage differ from the rest of the genome. They typically contain an INTEGRASE gene, although in some cases this gene has been deleted resulting in anchored genomic islands.
    Links (1) - ARTICLES
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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