Number of the records: 1  

RNA dlhá nekódujúca

  1. Subject h.RNA dlhá nekódujúca
    Subject h.RNA, Long Noncoding
    Entry termsRNA dlhá neprekladaná
    RNA dlhé neprekladané
    RNA dlhá, intergénová, nekódujúca proteín
    RNA dlhá, medzigénová, nekódujúca proteín
    RNA dlhá intergénová, nekódujúca proteíny
    RNA dlhá, nekódujúca proteíny
    ncRNA dlhá
    ncRNA dlhé
    English X referencesLincRNA
    RNA, Long Untranslated
    Scope note in EnglishA class of untranslated RNA molecules that are typically greater than 200 nucleotides in length and do not code for proteins. Members of this class have been found to play roles in transcriptional regulation, post-transcriptional processing, CHROMATIN REMODELING, and in the epigenetic control of chromatin.
    Links (86) - ARTICLES
    (1) - CiBaMed
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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