Number of the records: 1
1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of different histological types of human meningiomas in vitro
Title 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of different histological types of human meningiomas in vitro Author info D. Dobrota ... [et al.] Title 1H magnetická rezonančná spektroskopia - štúdium rozdielnych histologických typoch ľudských meningeómov in vitro Co-authors Dobrota Dušan
Another authors Liptaj T. (Author)
Kašparová Svatava (Author)
Zalibera Ľ. (Author)
Prónayová N. (Author)
Galanda Miroslav (Author)
Mlynárik V. (Author)
Corporation Proceedings of the Slovak and Czech Physiological Societies, 1999, Košice, Slovensko
Proceedings of the Slovak and Czech Physiological Societies, 1999, Košice, Slovensko
Sign. C 1216 Source Physiological Research. - ISSN 0862-8408 . - Roč. 48, č. 3 (1999), s. 3P systematics 616-006:616-071 MeSH Subject meningióm : patofyziológia
patológia klinická
MR spektroskopia : metódy
histológia : klasifikácia
Language English Country Czech Republic Document kind Rozpis článkov z periodík Database ARTICLES article
Number of the records: 1