Search results
- 11. Smrdácke dni : workshop Spa Smrdáky - [S.l.] : [s.n.] , 2010 - 13 s. [3, currently available 3]
- Chapters, articles
- 16. setkání lékařů ČR a SR v Litomyšli : alergie, imunita a bronchiální obstrukce, léčba u dospělých a dětí - [Litomyšl] : Nadační fond pro pomoc nemocným dětem , c2017 - 121 s. [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- 18. setkání lékařů ČR a SR v Litomyšli : farmakoterapie alergie a nemocí s bronchiální obstrukcí u dospělých i dětí - Olomouc : Solen , 2019 - 58 s. ISBN 978-80-7471-267-8 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- 2006 annual meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Oral and poster abstracts (includes abstracts from the XII International Food Allergy Symposium) : November 9-15, 2006, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . 2007. Vol. 98, no. 1, suppl. 1 - [S.l.] : American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology , 2007 - A125 s. (Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology; suppl. 1) [1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- Chapters, articles
- 25 Jahre IgE Geschichte - Gegenwärtige Kenntnisse - Perspektiven : symposium am 13. Juni 1992 / edit. K. Ch. Bergmann . 1993. Jg. 16, Sondernummer, Suppl. 1 - München : Dustri , 1993 - 48 s. (Allergologie; Suppl. 1) [1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- Chapters, articles
- A colour atlas of allergy / William F. Jackson, Rino Cerio - London : Wolfe , 1988 - 126 s. ISBN 0-7234-0914-5 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Advances in allergic diseases: an update for the new millennium : Washington, DC, February 11, 1999 / William W. Busse, Harold S. Nelson, guest editors . 2000. Vol. 105, No. 6, Part 2, Suppl. - St. Louis : Mosby , 2000 - s. 4A, S593-S644 (Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; Suppl.) [1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Airway hyperreactivity : From the international symposium on "...", 26-28 October, 1988, Sendai, Japan . 1991. Vol. 143, No. 3, Part 2, Suppl. - New York : American Lung Association , 1991 - 82 s. (American Review of Respiratory Disease; Suppl.) [1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Alergia a antihistaminiká / Peter Pružinec - Bratislava : BONUS , 2005 - 158 s. ISBN 80-968491-6-6 [2, currently available 2]
- Chapters, articles
- Alergia : čím viac o nej budete vedieť, tým menej Vás bude trápiť / Václav Špičák, Martin Hrubiško - Bratislava : UCB inštitút pre alergiu , 2005 - 64 s. [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles