Search results
- 2. Dunajské sympózium preventívnej a sociálnej medicíny. Upevňovanie zdravia : Bratislava, 15.-17. júna 1989. Druhá informácia. Program - Bratislava : Slovenská lekárska spoločnosť , 1989 - xiv, 20 s. [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Aká bude cena zdravia : zborník prednášok 2003, naša poradňa, malý receptár - Senec : Škola verejného zdravia , 2003 - 85 s. ISBN 80-968892-1-4 [2, currently available 2]
- Chapters, articles
- Ako a prečo starneme : zborník prednášok 2004, naša poradňa, malý receptár - Senec : Škola verejného zdravia , 2004 - 91 s. ISBN 80-968892-2-2 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Cecil textbook of medicine / edit. James B. Wyngaarden, Lloyd H. Smith jr., J. Claude Bennett . - 19th ed. - Philadelphia : Saunders , 1992 - xxxvi, 2380, 96 s. ISBN 0-7216-2928-8 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Core textbook of obstetrics and gynecology / edit. John H. Mattox - St. Louis : Mosby , 1998 - xiv, 594 s. ISBN 0-8151-6035-6 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Designing the comprehensive "Healthy children in healthy families" programme : Report on a WHO consultation. Copenhagen 16-17 March 1993 - Copenhagen : WHO , 1993 - 10 s. (Reducing chronic disease; target 4) [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Energia - základ života : zborník prednášok 2005, naša poradňa, malý receptár - Senec : Škola verejného zdravia , 2005 - 97 s. ISBN 80-968892-3-0 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Exercise therapy : prevention and treatment of disease / edited by John Gormley, Juliette Hussey - Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell Publishing , 2005 - xviii, 260 s. ISBN 1-4051-0527-5 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Experience in validation and use of CINDI physical activity questionnaire / Elena Y. Zabina, Oleg I. Muravov - Copenhagen : WHO , 1995 - 23 s. (Reducing chronic disease; target 4) [5, currently available 5]
- Chapters, articles
- Handbook of policy statements 1959 - 2000 - Brussels : Standing Committee of European Doctors , 2000 - 125 s. [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles