Search results
- Barevný atlas biochemie / Jan Koolman, Klaus-Heinrich Röhm ilustr. ... Jürgen Wirth . - 1. čes. vyd. - Praha : Grada Publishing , 2012 - xiv, 498 s. ISBN 978-80-247-2977-0 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- International review of cytology : a survey of cell biology. Vol. 128 / edit. Kwang W. Jeon, Martin Friedlander - San Diego : Academic Press , 1991 - ix, 323 s. ISBN 0-12-364528-X [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- International review of cytology : a survey of cell biology. Vol. 133 / edit. K. W. Jeon, Martin Friedlander - San Diego : Academic Press , 1992 - ix, 319 s. ISBN 0-12-364533-6 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Organelle diseases / edit. Derek A. Applegarth, James E. Dimmick, Judith G. Hall with a foreword by Charles R. Scriver and a postscript by Victor A. McKusick - London : Chapman & Hall , 1997 - xvii, 454 s. ISBN 0-412-54910-7 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Untersuchungen zum intrazellulären Strontium transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Michael Dumschat - Marburg : Philipps-Universität , 1997 - ii, 70 s. [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles