antigény imunitnej odpovede antigén histokompatibilný, trieda II antigény histokompatibilné, trieda II antigén II.triedy antigény II.triedy antigény imunitnej odpovede antigény Ia antigény podobné antigénom Ia antigény spojené s imunitou antigény spojené s imunitnou odpoveďou molekuly MHC II.triedy antigény histokompatibilné hlavné, trieda II molekuly histokompatibilné hlavné, trieda II MHC II peptid MHC II peptidy MHC-II molekuly
Angl. X odkazy
Antigens, Immune Response Class II Antigens Class II Histocompatibility Antigen Class II Major Histocompatibility Antigen Ia Antigens Ia-Like Antigen Ia-Like Antigens Immune-Associated Antigens Immune Response Antigens Immune-Response-Associated Antigens MHC Class II Molecule MHC II Peptide
Vysvetľujúca pozn. v angl.
Large, transmembrane, non-covalently linked glycoproteins (alpha and beta). Both chains can be polymorphic although there is more structural variation in the beta chains. The class II antigens in humans are called HLA-D ANTIGENS and are coded by a gene on chromosome 6. In mice, two genes named IA and IE on chromosome 17 code for the H-2 antigens. The antigens are found on B-lymphocytes, macrophages, epidermal cells, and sperm and are thought to mediate the competence of and cellular cooperation in the immune response. The term IA antigens used to refer only to the proteins encoded by the IA genes in the mouse, but is now used as a generic term for any class II histocompatibility antigen.
Pozri aj (FX) v slov.
gény HLA, trieda II
Pozri aj (FX) v angl.
Genes, MHC Class II
(11) - ČLÁNKY
(3) - heslo MeSH
(3) - CiBaMed
(6) - KNIHY
predmetové heslo
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