Počet záznamov: 1  

permeabilita kapilárna

  1. Heslopermeabilita kapilárna
    Heslo anglickyCapillary Permeability
    Odkazypermeabilita mikrovaskulárna
    permeabilita mikrocievna
    permeabilita vaskulárna
    permeabilita cievna
    Angl. X odkazyMicrovascular Permeability
    Permeability, Capillary
    Permeability, Microvascular
    Vascular Permeability
    Vysvetľujúca pozn. v angl.The property of blood capillary ENDOTHELIUM that allows for the selective exchange of substances between the blood and surrounding tissues and through membranous barriers such as the BLOOD-AIR BARRIER; BLOOD-AQUEOUS BARRIER; BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER; BLOOD-NERVE BARRIER; BLOOD-RETINAL BARRIER; and BLOOD-TESTIS BARRIER. Small lipid-soluble molecules such as carbon dioxide and oxygen move freely by diffusion. Water and water-soluble molecules cannot pass through the endothelial walls and are dependent on microscopic pores. These pores show narrow areas (TIGHT JUNCTIONS) which may limit large molecule movement.
    Pozri aj (FX) v slov. bariéra hematoencefalická
    bariéra hematoretinálna
    bariéra hematotestikulárna
    bariéra alveolokapilárna
    bariéra hematookulárna
    syndróm zvýšenej priepustnosti kapilár
    bariéra hematoneurálna
    migrácia transendotelová a transepitelová
    Pozri aj (FX) v angl. Blood-Brain Barrier
    Blood-Retinal Barrier
    Blood-Testis Barrier
    Blood-Air Barrier
    Blood-Aqueous Barrier
    Capillary Leak Syndrome
    Blood-Nerve Barrier
    Transendothelial and Transepithelial Migration
    Odkazy (4) - ČLÁNKY
    (8) - heslo MeSH
    (1) - CiBaMed
    (3) - KNIHY
    predmetové heslo

    predmetové heslo

Počet záznamov: 1  

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