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deficit kyseliny listovej

  1. Heslodeficit kyseliny listovej
    Heslo anglickyFolic Acid Deficiency
    Odkazydeficit kyseliny folovej
    Vysvetľujúca pozn. v angl.A nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of FOLIC ACID in the diet. Many plant and animal tissues contain folic acid, abundant in green leafy vegetables, yeast, liver, and mushrooms but destroyed by long-term cooking. Alcohol interferes with its intermediate metabolism and absorption. Folic acid deficiency may develop in long-term anticonvulsant therapy or with use of oral contraceptives. This deficiency causes anemia, macrocytic anemia, and megaloblastic anemia. It is indistinguishable from vitamin B 12 deficiency in peripheral blood and bone marrow findings, but the neurologic lesions seen in B 12 deficiency do not occur. (Merck Manual, 16th ed)
    Pozri aj (FX) v slov. anémia sideroblastická
    FIGLU test
    Pozri aj (FX) v angl. Anemia, Sideroblastic
    FIGLU Test
    Odkazy (24) - ČLÁNKY
    (2) - heslo MeSH
    (5) - CiBaMed
    (4) - KNIHY
    predmetové heslo

    predmetové heslo

Počet záznamov: 1  

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