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  1. Heslofreemartinizmus
    Heslo anglickyFreemartinism
    Vysvetľujúca pozn. v angl.A condition occurring in the female offspring of dizygotic twins (TWIN, DIZYGOTIC) in a mixed-sex pregnancy, usually in CATTLE. Freemartinism can occur in other mammals. When placental fusion between the male and the female FETUSES permits the exchange of fetal cells and fetal hormones, TESTICULAR HORMONES from the male fetus can androgenize the female fetus producing a sterile XX/XY chimeric female(CHIMERISM).
    Pozri aj (FX) v slov. chiméra
    Pozri aj (FX) v angl. Chimera
    Odkazy (1) - heslo MeSH
    predmetové heslo

    predmetové heslo

Počet záznamov: 1  

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