rakovina hlavy rakovina krku rakovina hlavy a krku nádory hlavy nádory krku nádory hornej časti dýchacieho a tráviaceho traktu nádor horného aerodigestívneho traktu UADT nádory
Angl. X odkazy
Cancer of Head and Neck Head and Neck Cancer Head and Neck Neoplasm Head Cancer Head Neoplasm Neck Cancer Neck Neoplasm Neck Neoplasms Neoplasms, Upper Aerodigestive Tract UADT Neoplasm Upper Aerodigestive Tract Neoplasm Upper Aerodigestive Tract Neoplasms
Vysvetľujúca pozn. v angl.
Soft tissue tumors or cancer arising from the mucosal surfaces of the LIP; oral cavity; PHARYNX; LARYNX; and cervical esophagus. Other sites included are the NOSE and PARANASAL SINUSES; SALIVARY GLANDS; THYROID GLAND and PARATHYROID GLANDS; and MELANOMA and non-melanoma skin cancers of the head and neck. (from Holland et al., Cancer Medicine, 4th ed, p1651)
(210) - ČLÁNKY
(28) - CiBaMed
(112) - KNIHY
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