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polyendokrinopatie autoimunitné

  1. Heslopolyendokrinopatie autoimunitné
    Heslo anglickyPolyendocrinopathies, Autoimmune
    Odkazypolyendokrinopatia-kandidiáza-ektodermálna dystrofia, autoimunitná
    polyendokrinopatia-kandidóza-ektodermová dystrofia, autoimunitná
    syndróm autoimunitný polyendokrinný, typ 2
    syndróm autoimunitnej polyendokrinopatie, typ 1
    syndróm polyglandulárny autoimunitný, typ I
    syndróm polyglandulárny autoimunitný typu I
    syndróm polyglandulárny autoimunitný, typ II
    syndróm polyglandulárny autoimunitný typu II
    diabetes mellitus, Addisonova choroba, myxedém
    syndróm viacpočetnej endokrinnej deficiencie, typ 2
    syndróm polyglandulárnej deficiencie, typ 2
    Schmidtov syndróm
    Angl. X odkazyAutoimmune Polyendocrinopathy-Candidiasis-Ectodermal-Dystrophy
    Autoimmune Syndrome Type II, Polyglandular
    Autoimmune Syndrome Type I, Polyglandular
    Polyglandular Type I Autoimmune Syndrome
    Polyglandular Type II Autoimmune Syndrome
    Schmidt's Syndrome
    Vysvetľujúca pozn. v angl.Autoimmune diseases affecting multiple endocrine organs. Type I is characterized by childhood onset and chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CANDIDIASIS, CHRONIC MUCOCUTANEOUS), while type II exhibits any combination of adrenal insufficiency (ADDISON'S DISEASE), lymphocytic thyroiditis (THYROIDITIS, AUTOIMMUNE;), HYPOPARATHYROIDISM; and gonadal failure. In both types organ-specific ANTIBODIES against a variety of ENDOCRINE GLANDS have been detected. The type II syndrome differs from type I in that it is associated with HLA-A1 and B8 haplotypes, onset is usually in adulthood, and candidiasis is not present.
    Odkazy (20) - ČLÁNKY
    (3) - CiBaMed
    (2) - KNIHY
    predmetové heslo

    predmetové heslo

Počet záznamov: 1  

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