Number of the records: 1
Ethniké Pinakothéké Mouseio Alexandros Soutzou (Atény, Grécko)
Corporate name Ethniké Pinakothéké Mouseio Alexandros Soutzou (Atény, Grécko) Other title Εθνικη Πινακοθηκη, Μουσειο Αλεξανδρου Σουτζου Ethniki̲ Pinakothi̲ki̲, Mouseion Alexandrou Soutsou National Gallery Alexandros Soutzos Museum Εθνικη Πινακοθηκη, Μουσειο Αλεξανδρου Σουτζου Εθνικη Πινακοθηκη, Μουσειο Αλεξανδρου Σουτζογ National Gallery, Alexander Soutzos Museum National Gallery and Alexander Soutzos Museum Pinacothèque nationale, musée Alexandre-Soutzos Ethnikē Pinakothēkē, Mouseio Alexandrou Soutzou Ethnike Pinakothēkē kai Mouseion Alexandrou Soutsou Pinacothèque nationale d'Athènes, Musée Alexandre Soutzos Ethnikē Pinakothēkē National Picture Gallery and Alexandros Soutsos Museum National Pinacothek and Alexandros Soutsos Museum Ethnikē Pinakothēkē, Mouseion Alexandrou Soutsou Pinacoteca nazionale di Atene Pinacoteca nazionale, Museo Alessandro Soutzou Town Athina URL Data source entry Pravidlá slovenského pravopisu, 2000 ; prepis názvu DNB, cit. 26. 7. 2016 ; varianty mena LC, cit. 26. 7. 2016 ; varianty mena Collection kind xzkor References (1) - Personal names and family names file (1) - Catalogues of exhibition corporation
Number of the records: 1