Number of the records: 1
L'âme du vin chante dans les bouteilles
Main entry-action L'âme du vin chante dans les bouteilles (20. 06. 2009 - 20. 10. 2009 : Musée d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux) Title statement L'âme du vin chante dans les bouteilles : de l'amphore à la bouteille, de la coupe au calice = Wine's soul sings in the bottles : from amphorae to bottles, from cups to chalices / suivi éditorial: Marie Thomas ; [curators:] François Hubert, Annick Bruder Another responsib. Thomas, Marie (Redactor) Hubert, François (Curator) Bruder, Annick (Curator) Musée d'Aquitaine (Organizer of meeting) Publication Paris : Somogy éditions d'art ; Bordeaux : Musée d'Aquitaine, 2009 Phys.des. 247 strán, 1 nečíslovaná strana : čiernobiele a farebné ilustrácie, fotografie ; 28 cm ISBN 9782757202821 Par.title Wine's soul sings in the bottles : from amphorae to bottles, from cups to chalices Note Graphiste Yvan Bogati Language note Text publikácie je paralelne napísaný vo francúzskom a anglickom jazyku Obsahuje bibliografiu na strane 247 Incomplete contents Amphores et dolia = Amphorae and Dolia / Frédéric Berthault -- D'outres et de vin = Goatskins and Wine / Maria Jesús Escuín-Guinea -- "S'il tonne en avril, prépare tes barils..." = "If it thunders in April, get your barrels ready..." / Jean-Pierre Hiéret -- La bouteille: de sa forme, de son usage = The Bottle: its Shape and Use / Yves Nouvel -- Vendre le vin au détail = The Retail Sale of Wine / Sandrine Lavaud -- Boire en marchant = Drinking on the Road / Christian Cau -- Le symposion, mirroir de la civilisation greque = The Symposium: A Mirror of Greek Civilization / Éric Blanchegorge -- La verre antique = Ancient Glass / Laurent Deguara -- Le service du vin du Moyen Âge au XVIIe siècle = Serving Wine: from the Middle Ages to the 17th Century / Françoise Barbe -- Récipients festifs du vin à la Renaissance = Festive Recipients for Wine in the Renaissance / Michèle Bimbenet-Privat -- La céramique et le vin = Ceramics and Wine / Maria Grazia Lungarotti -- Du service "à la française" au service "à la russe" = From "French Service" to "Russian Service" / Bernadette de Boysson -- Le service du vin aux XIXe et XXe siècles = Wine Service in the 19th and 20th Centuries / Marc Favreau -- L'importance du verre dans la dégustation = The Importance of the Glass in Tasting / Jean-Pierre Lagneau -- La bouteille entre l'équerre et le compas = The Bottle, between the Compass and the Set Square / Pierre Mollier -- Vin et santé = Wine and Health / Charles Tamarelle -- De Dionysos à Bacchus = From Dionysus to Bacchus / Catherine Broc-Schmezer, Françoise Daspet -- Le vin dans la tradition juive = Wine in the Jewish Tradition / Dr Hervé Rehby -- Le calice dans la liturgie catholique = The Chalice in the Roman Catholic Liturgy / Marc Agostino Annotation The many and varied vessels that have been made to contain wine - amphorae, barrels, bottles, carafes, pitchers, flasks, gourds, cups, glasses and chalices - tell us the story of men and of wine and of the way wine is conserved, transported and consumed. In a large sweep, from antiquity to the present, in places of religion and at the tavern, at table or when travelling by foot, this remarkable book brings art, civilization together in a new approach to wine. And, best of all, it can be admired and consulted without moderation! [zdroj: zadná strana väzby publikácie] Subject Headings výstavy sklo sklenené objekty keramika kultúra a spoločnosť umelecké remeslá Európa Keywords víno * fľaše * amfory Form, Genre katalógy z výstav Country France Language French * English Copy count 1, currently available 1 Database Catalogues of exhibition book
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Number of the records: 1