Number of the records: 1
Yves Saint Laurent
Main entry-action Yves Saint Laurent. Across the Style (20. 09. 2023 - 11. 12. 2023 : National Art Center, Tokyo) Title statement Yves Saint Laurent : across the style / authors Akiko Fukai, Kazuko Koike, Yayoi Motohashi, Natsu Onodera, Serena Bucalo-Mussely, Alice Coulon-Saillard, Domitille Éblé, Judith Lamas Another responsib. Fukai, Akiko, 1943- (Author) Koike, Kazuko (Author) Motohashi, Yayoi, 1974- (Author) Onodera, Natsu (Author) Bucalo-Mussely, Serena (Author) Coulon-Saillard, Alice (Author) Éblé, Domitille (Author) Lamas, Judith (Author) Kokuritsu Shin Bijutsukan (Tokio, Japonsko) (Organizer of meeting) Musée Yves Saint Laurent, Paris (Collaborator) Publication Tokyo : National Art Center, 2023 Phys.des. 308 strán, 3 nečíslované strany : čiernobiele a farebné ilustrácie, fotografie ; 31 cm ISBN 9784910253091 Par.title イヴ サンローラン展 : 時を超えるスタイル Note Obsahuje biografiu návrhára. Obsahuje zoznam diel Language note Text publikácie je napísaný paralelne v japonskom a anglickom jazyku Obsahuje bibliografiu na stranách 286 až 288 Incomplete contents A Talent Emerges -- 1962: The First Hate Couture Collections -- The Yves Saint Laurent Style: Iconic Pieces -- Artistry: Embroidery and Feathers -- Imaginary Travels -- Fashion History -- Cabinet of Curiosities: Jewels -- Performing Arts - Graphic Arts -- Performing Arts - Textiles -- Homage to Artists -- The Brides -- Yves Saint Laurent and Japan -- Yves Saint Laurent and French Haute Couture / Serena Bucalo-Mussely -- Who Was Yves Saint Laurent? / Akiko Fukai -- Yves Saint Laurent and Japan: The 1960s and 1970s / Yayoi Motohashi -- The Body and Art / Kazuko Koike -- Yves Saint Laurent's 1968 Pantalon and Developments in Japan / Natsu Onodera Subject Headings Saint Laurent, Yves, 1936-2008 20. - 21. stor. výstavy móda odievanie Francúzsko Keywords módni návrhári * francúzski módni návrhari Form, Genre katalógy z výstav Country Japan Language Japanese * English Copy count 1, currently available 1 Database Catalogues of exhibition book
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info KV-4565 49942 Knižnica SNG Sklad
Number of the records: 1