Number of the records: 1
Carlo Scarpa
Main entry-name Los, Sergio (Author) Title statement Carlo Scarpa / Sergio Los ; Fotogr. Klaus Frahm Another responsib. Frahm, Klaus (Photographer) Publication Köln : Benedikt Taschen Verlag, 1993 Phys.des. 169 s. : fareb., čb. obr., biogr. ISBN 3-8228-9441-9 Subject Headings Scarpa, Carlo Keywords architektúra 20. st.-Taliansko UDC 72.036-05(45) Country Germany Language English * German * French Copy count 1, currently available 1 Database Books Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info III 15063 27689 Sklad SNG
Number of the records: 1