Number of the records: 1
Paul Cézanne
Main entry-name Krumrine, Mary Louise (Author) Title statement Paul Cézanne : Die Badenden / Mary Louise Krumrine Another responsib. Kunstumuseum (Organizer of meeting) (Basel, CH) Paul Cézanne: Die Badenden (11.09.-10.12.1989 : Basel, CH) Translated title P. C. Kúpajúci sa Publication Basel : Kunstmuseum, 1989 Phys.des. 321 s. : fareb. a čb. obr., glosár postáv, pozn., biogr., bibliogr., zozn. vyst. diel ISBN 3-7263-6543-5 Subject Headings Cézanne, Paul, 1839-1906 Keywords maliarstvo-impresionizmus-Francúzsko * ikonografia-kúpajúci sa UDC 75.036.2-05(44):7.041 Country Switzerland Language German Copy count 1, currently available 1 Database Catalogues of exhibition book
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Number of the records: 1