Number of the records: 1
Laco Teren. Patrik Illo
Title statement Laco Teren. Patrik Illo = Laco Teren : v ohni : on fire Patrik Illo : dizajn skla : glass objects design / úvod Katarína Bajcurová Another responsib. Bajcurová, Katarína, 1957- (Author of introduction) (Curator) Publication Lednické Rovne : Rona Gallery, [2021] Phys.des. [32] strán : il., far. ISBN 978-80-974173-2-1 Subject Headings Teren, Laco, 1960- Illo, Patrik, 1973- Keywords maľba na skle * maľba na keramike * výtvarní umelci 21. st.-Slovensko UDC 75.05 73/76.071.1-05 (437.6) Country Slovakia Language Slovak * English Copy count 1, currently available 1 Database Catalogues of exhibition book
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info II 8967 50399 Sklad SNG
Number of the records: 1