Number of the records: 1
Louis Soutter. Carico di destino
Title statement Louis Soutter. Carico di destino / Aut. textu kat. Viana Conti a kol. Another responsib. Conti, Viana (081) Translated title L. S. Bremeno osudu Publication Milano : Nuova Prearo Editore, 1986 Phys.des. 62 s. : fareb. a čb. obr., biogr. Subject Headings Soutter, Louis Keywords maliarstvo 1. pol. 20. st.-Švajčiarsko * kresba umelecká 1. pol. 20. st.-Švajčiarsko UDC 75.036-05(494)+741.036-05(494)"193/194" Country Italy Language Italian * English * French Copy count 1, currently available 1 Database Catalogues of exhibition book
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info II 8967 33619 Sklad SNG
Number of the records: 1