Number of the records: 1
Main entry-action Samizdat. Alternative Culture in Central and Eastern Europe - from the 1960s to the 1980s (10.09.-29.10.2000; 06.06.-25.08.2002; 05.11.-15.11.2002- : Berlin, DE) Title statement Samizdat : Alternative Culture in Central and Eastern Europe - from the 1960s to the 1980s / Red. Heidrun Hamersky Another responsib. Hamersky, Heidrun (Proofreader) Eichwede, Wolfgang (Editor) Academy of Fine Arts (Berlin, DE) (Organizer of meeting) National Museum (Organizer of meeting) (Prague, CZ) European Parliament (Organizer of meeting) (Brussels, BE) Translated title Samizdat. Alternatívna kultúra v strednej a východnej Európe - 60-te až 80-te roky 20. storočia Publication Bremen : The Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, 2002 Phys.des. 48 s. : fareb. a čb. obr. ISBN 3-936604-00-2 Keywords sociológia kultúry * subkultúry * zakázané knihy úradmi * samizdat * samizdat * alternatívna kultúra * zakázaná kultúra 2. pol. 20. st.-východná a stredná Európa * sociológia kultúry-východná a stredná Európa * samizdat-ZSSR * samizdat-Poľsko * samizdat-ČSSR * samizdat-Maďarsko * samizdat-NDR UDC 316.7:316.723+655.418.3:098.12(4)"196/198" Country Germany Language English Copy count 1, currently available 1 Database Catalogues of exhibition book
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info II 17449 34493 Sklad SNG
Number of the records: 1