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Your query: Author Sysno/Doc.kind = "^sng_us_auth 0035107 xkni^"
  1. The Routledge Companion to Remix Studies / Edited by Eduardo Navas, Owen Gallagher, and Xtine Burrough . London : Routledge, 2015 . 532 strán . ISBN 9780415716253 : . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    O-56044143Knižnica SNGSklad


  2. Zborník prednášok o súčasnom výtvarnom umení. [1], so zameraním na mediálne umenie / Editorka a autorka projektu Lucia Vadelová ; Zodpovedná redaktorka Renáta Niczová . Nitra : Nitrianska galéria, 2014 . 199 strán . ISBN 9788085746662 : . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    N-66143151Knižnica SNGSklad


  3. Between the Black Box and the White Cube : Expanded Cinema and Postwar Art / Andrew V. Uroskie . Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2014 . 272 strán . ISBN 9780226842998 : . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    N-98744606Knižnica SNGSklad


  4. The Democratic Surround : Multimedia & American Liberalism from World War II to the Psychedelic Sixties / Fred Turner . Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2013 . 365 strán . ISBN 9780226325897 : . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    N-78343767Knižnica SNGSklad


  5. Resolutions 3 : global networks of video / Ming-Yuen S. Ma and Erika Suderburg, Editors . Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, [2012] . 30 strán, 366 strán . ISBN 9780816670826 : . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    O-44943553Knižnica SNGSklad


  6. Od inscenace k instalaci, od herectví k performanci / Július Gajdoš . Praha : KANT, 2010 . 198 strán . ISBN 9788074370373 (brož.) . Obsah . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    C.XX-24739596Knižnica SNGSklad
    Od inscenace k instalaci, od herectví k performanci


  7. Kapitoly z dějin a teorie médií / Tomáš Dvořák (ed.) . Praha : Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze, Vědecko-výzkumné pracoviště, 2010 . 349 strán, 3 nečíslované strany . ISBN 9788087108161 : . [1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    PK.1739893Knižnica SNGStudy SNGIn-Library Use Only
    Kapitoly z dějin a teorie médií


  8. Phenomenology of the visual arts (even the frame) / Paul Crowther . Stanford : Stanford University Press, c2009 . IX, 252 strán . ISBN 9780804762144 (viaz.). ISBN 0804762147 (viaz.) . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    C.XX-26239622Knižnica SNGSklad
    Phenomenology of the visual arts (even the frame)


  9. Interaktywne media sztuki / redakcja, Antoni Porczak = Interactive media arts / editor, Antoni Porczak. . Kraków : Wydawnictwo Akademii Sztuk Pięknych, 2009 . 202, [2] strany 199, [2] strany . ISBN 9788392989639 (brož.) : . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    C.XX-31739757Knižnica SNGSklad


  10. The art of the 20th century, 1969-1999. Neo-avant-gardes, postmodern and global art / Valerio Terraroli, editor of the work . Milano : Skira, 2009 . 430 strán . ISBN 9788861306424 : . [1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    PK.1639865Knižnica SNGStudy SNGIn-Library Use Only
    The art of the 20th century,


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