Search results
- Sborník Národního muzea v Praze. Řada C, Literární historie = Acta Musei nationalis Pragae. Series C, Historia Litterarum / Vedoucí redaktor: Helga Turková55 1-2 2010 . 55 , 1-2 , 2010 . Praha : Národní muzeum, 2010 . 104 strán . ISSN 0036-5351 .
- Oto Hudec : floating arboretum / texts: julia butterfly hill, Maja & Reuben Fowkes, Oto Hudec, Lenka Kukurová, Alexandra Kusá, Lýdia Pribišová, Juliana Sokolová ; [kurátorka: Lýdia Pribišová] . Bratislava : Slovak National Gallery, 2024 . 95 strán, 1 nečíslovaná strana . ISBN 9788080592714 . [1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info PK.31-644 49959 Knižnica SNG Study SNG In-Library Use Only - Il mito di Ravenna nell'Ottocento : immaginare una città tardoantica tra il Congresso di Vienna e la Grande guerra / Ruben Campini e Annalisa Moraschi . Roma : Viella ; Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2023 . 120 strán . ISBN 9791254692103. ISBN 9788028003043 . [1, currently available 1]
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info N-1799 49877 Knižnica SNG Sklad - Letűnt idők nyomában : Gulácsy Lajos, Fáy Dezső és Keleti Arthúr Itália igézetében = In search of lost times : Lajos Gulácsy, Dezső Fáy, and Arthúr Keleti und the spell of Italy / sorozatszerkesztő / series editor: Borus Judit ; szerzők / authors: Vargyas Júlia, Zsákovics Ferenc ; kurátorok / curators: Vargyas Júlia, Zsákovics Ferenc . Budapest : Szépművészeti Múzeum : Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, 2023 . 123 strán, 1 nečíslovaná strana . ISBN 9786155987991 . [1, currently available 1]
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info KV-4589 50104 Knižnica SNG Sklad - Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz . Firenze [Florencia] : Kunsthistorisches Institut, 1911-1941 ; 1953- . zv . ISSN 0342-1201 . .
- Mission Rimini : Material, Geschichte, Restaurierung. Der Rimini-Altar / Stefan Roller und Harald Theiss (Hg.) ; Keratoren Harald Theiss, Miguel Gonzáles de Quevedo Ibáñez, Stefan Roller . Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2021 . 300 strán . ISBN 9783422986725 . [1, currently available 1]
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info KV-4384 49424 Knižnica SNG Sklad - Mahalla : the Uzbekistan Pavilion at the 17th International architecture exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia / curators: Emanuel Christ, Christoph Gantenbein, Victoria Easton, ETH Zurich ; artists: Carlos Casas, Bas Princen . [Venezia] : [Biennale di Venezia], 2021? . 1 skladačka . [1, currently available 1]
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info KV-4322 49198 Knižnica SNG Sklad - How will we live together? : Biennale Architettura 2021 : short guide / [Artistic Director of the Architecture Department, Curator of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition Hashim Sarkis] . Venezia : Biennale di Venezia, 2021 . 308 strán, 4 nečíslované strany . ISBN 9788898727469 . [1, currently available 1]
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info KV-4344 49260 Knižnica SNG Sklad - Fading borders : pavilion of Romania at the 17th International architecture exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia / La Biennale di Venezia . Venezia : Biennale di Venezia, 2021? . 1 skladačka . [1, currently available 1]
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info KV-4320 49196 Knižnica SNG Sklad - Mediální revoluce : christianizace Evropy, Ravenna pátého století a jak obrazy mění dějiny / Ivan Foletti & Zuzana Frantová . Brno : Books & Pipes : Masarykova univerzita, 2021 . 166 strán, 2 nečíslované strany . ISBN 9788074852329. ISBN 9788021098541 . [1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
Call number Sign. PK Track No. Location Sublocation Info PK.5 49645 Knižnica SNG Study SNG In-Library Use Only