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Records found: 9  
Your query: Subject headings = "architektúra rekonštrukcia"
  1. Prístavba SNG [elektronický zdroj] : bakalárska práca / Autor Veronika Miškovičová . Bratislava : Vysoká škola výtvarných umení, Katedra architektonickej tvorby, 2016 . 1 CD . [1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    SLV 2383945848Študovňa H18In-Library Use Only
    computer file

    computer file

  2. Re-use architecture / Autor Chris van Uffelen . Salenstein : Braun Publishing AG, 2011 . 407 s . ISBN 978-3-03768-064-3 . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    II 2100841587Sklad SNG
    Re-use architecture


  3. Prezentácia architektonického dedičstva : (Ochrana historických typologických druhov, ako predpoklad zachovania diverzity architektonického dedičstva) / Koord. a zost. publ. Jana Gregorová, Pavel Gregor ... [et al.] . Bratislava Perfekt, 2008 . 191 s . ISBN 978-80-8046-394-6 . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    II 18868 138125Sklad SNG
    Prezentácia architektonického dedičstva


  4. Converted spaces = Convertir l'espace Verwandelte Räume / Editor Simone Schleifer . Köln : Evergreen, [2006] . 380 s . ISBN 3-8228-5147-7 . . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    II 2100041579Sklad SNG
    Converted spaces


  5. Grand Prix 2002 Obce architektů / Úvod. text kat. Karel Doubner. . [Praha] : Obec architektů, 2002 . [34] s . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    II 896733889Sklad SNG


  6. DOCOMOMO : Conference Proceedings. International working party for documentation and conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the modern movement. Fourth International Conference. September 18th-20th, 1996, Bratislava-Sliač, Slovakia. Universality and Heterogeneity / Edit. Klára Kubičková . Bratislava : DOCOMOMO : SAS, 1997 . 272 s . ISBN 80-88757-13-4 . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    II 1629331226Sklad SNG


  7. The Slovak Theatre : Historical Theatre Architecture in Slovakia. 110 Years of the Fellner and Helmer Theatre House in Bratislava / hlav. red. Andrej Maťašík ; Red. Ivan Lacika, Oleg Dlouhý . Bratislava : Národné divadelné centrum, 1996 . 75, [4] s príl . ISBN 80-85455-25-0 . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    III 1585030033Sklad SNG


  8. Self Help in Revitalisation of Monuments : Report of a conference held in Banská Štiavnica, June 9th 1995 . [s. l.] : [s. n.], [1995] . 15 s . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    III 1622231000Sklad SNG


  9. Oživené pamiatky : zborník prác architektorov Ateliéru pre rekonštrukcie pamiatok Stavoprojekt - Bratislava / Vedúci red. Július Molitoris . Bratislava : Obzor, 1974 . 174 strán . [1, currently available 1]
    Call numberSign. PKTrack No.LocationSublocationInfo
    II 1148317596Sklad SNG


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