Pollen of less used and by genetic erosion endangered plant species as the new source of use in traditional agro-ecosystems
Pollen of less used and by genetic erosion endangered plant species as the new source of use in traditional agro-ecosystems / Katarína Šramková, Janka Nôžková, Oľga Kunová, Jana Kopčeková, Ján Brindza
Fatrcová Šramková, Katarína, ; SPUFAP16 (Author)
Nôžková, Janka, ; SPUPRA04 (Author)
Urbanovičová, Oľga, (Author)
Kopčeková, Jana, ; SPUFAP16 (Author)
Brindza, Jan, ; SPUFAP04 (Author)
Traditional agroecosystems : 1st International conference and satellite workshops : books of abstracts, September 16-21, 2005, Nitra, Slovak Republic. -- Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2005. -- ISBN 80-8069-579-2. -- S. 26
Category of Publication Activity
genetika * zdroje genetické * druhy ohrozené * peľ