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Resource: Slovak Agricultural Library (SAL) - SAL Bibliographic Database/Agrobibliography
Results total: 13  
Your query: Kód autority = "^spu_us_auth 0354321^"
  1. Bioactive compounds in fruits of Asimina triloba (l.) Dunal / Olga V. Grygorieva ... [et al.] .
    In: Sučasni aspekty zberežennja zdorovja ljudyny / Mižnarodna miždisciplinarnaja naukovo - praktičnoj konferencija [260 s.]. -- Užhorod : Užgorodskij nacionaľnij universitet, 2021. -- ISBN 978-617-7825-34-9. -- S. 8-13
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFC .
  2. Studies of the chemical composition of fruits and seeds of pawpaw (Asimina triloba (L .) Dunal) / Olga V Grygorieva ... [ et al.] .
    In: Agrobiodiversity for improving nutrition, health and life quality. -- ISSN 2585-8246 online. -- Vol. 5, iss. 1 (2021), s. 26-36
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADF .
  3. Harnessing the nutritional quality of pawpaw and pineapple fruits for pilot scale production of wine [elektronický zdroj] / Olufemi Emmanuel Bankefa ... [et al.] .
    In: Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences. -- ISSN 1338-5178. -- Vol. 10 no. 4 (2021), s. 663-668 .
  4. Variation of fruits morphometric parameters and bioactive compounds of Asimina triloba (L.) dunal germplasm collection [elektronický zdroj] / Ján Brindza ... [et al.] .
    In: Potravinárstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences. -- ISSN 1337-0960. -- Vol. 13, no. 1 (2019), s. 1-7, online
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADN .
  5. Allelopathic and biochemical characteristics of the root environment of Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal [elektronický zdroj] / Nataliia Anatoliyivna Pavliuchenko ... [et al.] .
    In: Agrobiodiversity for improving nutrition, health and life quality 2018 [online (299 s.)]. -- Nitra : Slovak Agricultural University, 2018. -- ISSN 2585-8246. -- S. 62-68
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AED .
  6. Azimina trechlopastnaja = Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal / Olga A. Grabovecka ... [et al.] .
    In: Maloispol’zujemyje vidy rastenij [180 s.]. -- Nitra : Slovackij agrarnyj universitet, 2017. -- ISBN 978-80-552-1753-6 (brož.). -- S. 8-16
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AED .
  7. The dynamics of flavonoid content in overground organs of different cultivars and forms of Asimina triloba (L.) dunal in the conditions of the southern steppe of Ukraine / V. F. Levon, Svitlana Valentynivna Klymenko, Olga A. Grabovecka .
    In: Agrobiodiversity for improving nutrition, health and life quality [S. 374-775]. -- Nitra : Slovak Agricultural University, 2015. -- ISBN 978-80-552-1380-4 (brož.). -- S. 426-430 .
  8. Azyminy trylopatevoji (Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal) v umovach Chersonskoji oblasti = Pawpaw (Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal) gene pool of varietal diversity in the conditions of Kherson region / Olga A. Grabovecka .
    In: Agrobiodiversity for improving nutrition, health and life quality [374 s.]. -- Nitra : Slovak Agricultural University, 2015. -- ISBN 978-80-552-1379-8 (brož.). -- S. 187-190 .
  9. The currant clearwing moth Synanthedon tipuliformis (Clerck, 1759) as a new pest for pawpaw (Asimina triloba L.) in Slovakia - short communication / Ján Kollár, Ladislav Bakay .
    In: Plant protection science. -- ISSN 1212-2580. -- Vol. 51, no 3 (2015), s. 153-155
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADC .
  10. Biochimičeskie osobennosti aziminy trechlopastnoj (Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal.) Biochemical features of pawpaw (Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal.) / Olga A. Grabovecka, Svetlana Valentinovna Klimenko .
    In: Inovácie technológií špeciálnych výrobkov biopotravín pre zdravú výživu ľudí [292 s.]. -- Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2014. -- ISBN 978-80-552-1272-2 (brož.). -- S. 78-84 .

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