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Slovenská lekárska knižnica - Authority error: 500 Server Error
  1. Subject h.proteíny protoonkogénové c-jun
    Subject h.Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-jun
    Entry termsproteín p39 spojený s c-fos
    proteín p39 asociovaný s c-fos
    proteíny c-jun
    proteín p39 spojený s fos
    proteín p39 asociovaný s fos
    proteíny jun B
    proteíny jun D
    proteíny protoonkogénové jun
    English X referencesc-fos-Associated Protein p39
    c-jun Proteins
    fos-Associated Protein p39
    jun B Proteins
    jun D Proteins
    jun Proto-Oncogene Proteins
    Scope note in EnglishCellular DNA-binding proteins encoded by the c-jun genes (GENES, JUN). They are involved in growth-related transcriptional control. There appear to be three distinct functions: dimerization (with c-fos), DNA-binding, and transcriptional activation. Oncogenic transformation can take place by constitutive expression of c-jun.
    See also reference (FX) in Slovak faktor transkripčný AP-1
    See also reference (FX) in English Transcription Factor AP-1
    Links (2) - MeSH descriptor
    subject heading

    subject heading

  2. Subject h.proteín onkogénový p65(gag-jun)
    Subject h.Oncogene Protein p65(gag-jun)
    Entry termsonkoproteín p65(gag-jun)
    proteíny fúzne gag-jun
    proteín onkogénový v-jun
    onkoproteín v-jun
    proteín onkogénový jun
    onkoproteín jun
    proteín v-jun
    English X referencesFusion Proteins, gag-jun
    Oncogene Protein v-jun
    jun Oncogene Protein
    v-jun Protein
    Scope note in EnglishTransforming protein coded by jun oncogenes (GENES, JUN). This is a gag-onc fusion protein of about 65 kDa derived from avian sarcoma virus. v-jun lacks a negative regulatory domain that regulates transcription in c-jun.
    Links (5) - ARTICLES
    (1) - MeSH descriptor
    (1) - CiBaMed
    subject heading

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