Search results
- A symposium : from increased energy metabolism to cardiac hypertrophy and failure / Guest editors: Heinrich Taegtmeyer, Günther J. Dietze . 1999. Vol. 83, No. 12, Part A, [Supl.] - New York : Excerpta Medica , 1999 - 98 s. (American Journal of Cardiology; [Supl.]) [2, currently available 0, at library only 2]
- Chapters, articles
- Biochemistry and pharmacology of myocardial hypertrophy, hypoxia, and infarction : proceeding of the 6th annual meeting of the International Study Group Research in Cardiac Metabolism, 25-28 September, 1973, Freiburg, Germany / edit. P. Harris, R. J. Bing, A. Fleckenstein - München : Urban & Schwarzenberg , 1976 - xi, 491 s. (Recent advances in studies on cardiac structure and metabolism; vol. 7) ISBN 3-541-07291-1 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Building a healthier heart through early anaemia correction, proceedings of a technical forum held at the 37th ERA-EDTA congress : 19 September 2000, Nice, France / guest editor Fernando Valderrábano . 2001. Vol. 16, Suppl. 2 - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2001 - 22 s. (Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation; Suppl. 2) [1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Einfluss von hochkalorischer Ernährung, vermehrter Kochsalzaufnahme und Deoxycorticosteronacetat (DOCA) auf Blutdruck, Herzfrequenz und Herzhypertrophie / vorgelegt von Lars Heinrich Kläning aus Diepholz - Marburg : Philipps-Universität , 2016 - 113 s. [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- EKG a jeho klinické využití : překlad 6. vydání / Malcolm S. Thaler z angl. orig.... přel. Jiří Kolář . - 6. vyd. - Praha : Grada Publishing , 2013 - s. 319 ISBN 978-80-247-4193-2 [2, currently available 2]
- Chapters, articles
- Fyziologické zväčšenie srdca / Ľudovít Komadel, Ervín Barta, Milan Kokavec . - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied , 1964 - 332 s. [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Charakterisierung eines funktionellen kritischen Herzgewichts und Auswirkungen von Moxonidin und Daglutril auf das chronisch druckbelastete Rattenherz in Transition zur Herzinsuffizienz / Peter Newzella - Gießen : VVB Laufersweiler Verlag , 2016 - viii, 258 s. [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Morfometrija i stereologia gipertrofii serdca / Lev Moisejevič Nepomnjaščich, Jelena Leonidovna Lušnikova, Galina Ivanovna Nepomnjaščich - Novosibirsk : Nauka , 1986 - 301 s. [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- The adapted heart : [proceedings of the symposium on cardiovascular adaptation held during the 3rd world congress of the International Society for Adaptive Medicine in Tokyo, April 26-28, 1993] / Makoto Nagano, Nobuakira Takeda, Naranjan S. Dhalla (eds.) - New York : Raven Press , 1994 - xxvii, 520 s. ISBN 0-7817-0167-8 [2, currently available 2]
- Chapters, articles