Search results
- Backache / Ian MacNab, John McCulloch . - 2nd ed. Reprint - Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins , 1990 - 448 s. ISBN 0-683-05352-3 [3, currently available 3]
- Chapters, articles
- Die Wertigkeit der Kernspintomographie, der Computertomographie und der Myelographie in der Diagnostik der Querschnittlähmung / Rainer Abel - Marburg : Philipps-Universität , 1991 - 130 s. [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Grundlagen der klinischen Medizin : Anatomie, Physiologie, Pathologie, Mikrobiologie, Klinik. Bd. 4, Nervensystem / Hrsg. H. -D. Mennel, G. Gebert, H. Bewermeyer ... [et al.] . - 1. durchgeseh. Nachdr. Aufl. - Stuttgart : Schattauer , 1992 - x, 164 s. ISBN 3-7945-1290-1 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Myelography : textbook and atlas / Ingar O. Skalpe and Ove Sortland . - 2nd ed. - Oslo : TANO , 1989 - 86 s. ISBN 82-518-2649-7 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Neuroradiologie. I., Obecná část / Jan Jirout, Václav Kvíčala recenzoval Saša Nettl . - Vyd. 1 - Praha : Avicenum , 1977 - 662 s. [2, currently available 2]
- Chapters, articles
- Painful cervical trauma : diagnosis and rehabilitative treatment of neuromusculoskeletal injuries / edit. C. David Tollison, John R. Satterthwaite - Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins , 1992 - xvi, 492 s. ISBN 0-683-08337-6 [2, currently available 2]
- Chapters, articles
- Patogenez i diagnostika opucholej spinnogo mozga / Ksenija Ivanovna Charitonova, Gennadij Ivanovič Okladnikov - Novosibirsk : Nauka , 1987 - 191 s. [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Principles of spinal surgery. Vol. 1 / edit. Arnold H. Menezes, Volker K. H. Sonntag - New York : McGraw-Hill , 1996 - xxiv, 750, I-43 s. ISBN 0-07-059662-X [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Skull and spine imaging : an atlas of differential diagnosis / Ronald L. Eisenberg - New York : Raven Press , 1994 - 9, 302 s. ISBN 0-7817-0047-7 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles
- Stenosis of the cervical spine : Causes, diagnosis and treatment / Vincenzo Denaro Z angl.prel. Victor Fornasier - Berlin : Springer , 1991 - 14, 303 s. ISBN 3-540-53328-1 [1, currently available 1]
- Chapters, articles