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Tributes to David Freedberg

  1. Údaje o názveTributes to David Freedberg : Image and Insight / Edited by Claudia Swan
    Ďal.zodpovednosť Swan, Claudia, 1963- (Editor)
    Vyd.údajeLondon ; Turnhout : Harvey Miller Publishers, 2019
    Fyz.popisVIII strán, 523 strán : farebné a čiernobiele ilustrácie, portréty, faksimile, fotografie, plány ; 28 cm + 2 voľné listy
    ISBN9781909400702 : 109,89 Eur
    PoznámkyNa voľných listoch Erratum (opravy chýb)
    Bibliografické odkazy v poznámkach pod čiarou
    Neúplný obsah"Florilegium" : The Origins of the Flower Still Life in the Early Modern Netherlands / Marisa Anne Bass -- Poussin's Idolatrous Dances / Emily A. Beeny -- Rembrandt's So-Called "Faust" as Self-Portrait of the Artist-Kabbalist in the Studio / Benjamin Binstock -- Rubens and the Gallery of Beauties / Adam Eaker -- Rubens and the Twelve Years' Truce : Reconsidering the "Adoration of the Magi" for the Antwerp Town Hall / Robert Fucci -- Kitchen Scenes and Performance at the Antwerp Dinner Party / Claudia Goldstein -- Something's Missing : A Note on the Historiography of Rubens's "Rockox Triptych" / Koenraad Jonckheere -- The Lemon's Lure / Mariët Westermann -- Forging Rubens : Antwerp and the Vaenius Studio / Anne T. Woollett -- Capitals between Rome and Nuremberg : Creating and Transfering Style c. 1470-75 / Renzo Baldasso -- "Imitation and its Discontents" : Hercules Segers's Window / Catherine Levesque -- Vorsterman, Van Dyck, and Rubens's Printmaking Enterprise / Victoria Sancho Lobis -- What Price Innovation? The Cost of Printing the Paris Polyglot Bible / Peter N. Miller -- Hans van Luyck and the Byways of Flemish Landscape Prints / Alexander Onuf -- Rembrandt's "Christ Presented to the People" (1655) : A Report on the Crowd / Peter Parshall -- "Various Rare Paintings and Printed Artworks for Art Lovers" : Jan Pietersz Berendrecht and the Origins of the Dutch Painter-Etcher Tradition / Elizabeth Wyckoff -- Venus, Slashed : Objectification and Artistic Agency / Carolin Behrmann -- The "Bios" of the Image : Living Thanks to Fiction / Chiara Cappelletto -- Image, sensation, disproportion / Georges Didi-Huberman -- Stoning the Doge : Popular Aggression and Political "Iconoclasm" in Early Modern Venice / Maartje van Gelder -- The Anthropomorphic Drive : Similitude, Simulation, Empathy / Andrea Pinotti -- Emotions in Art from Giambattista della Porta to David Freedberg / Gary Schwartz -- Images of Power : Dinglinger's Dresden Miniatures / Larry Silver -- Inhabited Sculptures, Lethal Weapons / Carolyn Yerkes -- Angels and Demons : Considerations on the Aesthetics of Ground Plan Drawings in the Renaissance / Francesco Benelli -- The Black Page : The Ottoman Connection / David Bindman -- Le Cacce dei Papi / Giovanna Alberta Campitelli -- Guido Reni, Antonio Bruni, and a Poetics of Response / Jonathan Unglaub -- Drawings from the Gennari Inventory of 1719 / Veronica Maria White -- The Minotaur in the Drawings of Peter Vos : An "Alter Ego"? / Jan Piet Filedt Kok -- "Divine" or Not? Poetic Responses to the Art of Michelangelo / Diletta Gamberini -- William Kentridge : Renaissance Man of Johannesburg / Margaret K. Koerner -- Erwin Panofskys Habilitation und die Rhythmik des Films / Horst Bredekamp -- "Mise en abyme" : A Reframing / Carlo Ginzburg -- Connoisseurship Revisited : The Case of "Saul and David" / Emilie E. S. Gordenker -- "Rubens Only Whispers" : The Reception of the Cambridge "Bozzetti" for the "Triumph of the Eucharist" Tapestry Series / Mereth M. Hale -- The Style and Substance of Ancient Coins : Louis Savot, Numismatics, and Connoisseurship in the Age of the Paper Museum / William Stenhouse
    AnotáciaPublikácia je poctou Davidovi Freedbergovi, Pierre Matisse profesorovi dejín umenia a riaditeľovi The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America na Columbia University a jeho činnosti v oblasti dejín umenia a viacerým príbuzným oblastiam výskumu. Obsahuje eseje špecialistov na umenie a históriu novovekej severnej Európy a Talianska, na tlače a grafickú kultúru, na ikonoklazmus a účinky obrazov, na znalectvo a históriu zberateľstva, ktoré poukazujú na Freedbergov široký záber vplyvu a intelektuálne dedičstvo [Zdroj: preklad zo stránky vydavateľa]
    Predmet. heslá Freedberg, David, 1948- Dedikant
    dejiny umenia
    teória umenia
    staré tlače
    výtvarné umenie
    psychológia umenia
    psychológia umenia
    historici umenia
    Forma, žáner zborníky
    KrajinaBelgicko, Belgické královstvo
    Jazyk dok.Angličtina
    Počet ex.1, z toho voľných 1
    Báza dátKnihy
    SignatúraSign. PKPrír.čísloLokáciaDislokáciaInfo
    O-113948563Knižnica SNGSklad

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