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Nájdených záznamov: 1  
Váš dotaz: Autor-kód záznamu + druh.dok = "^sng_us_auth v0065802 ekv^"
  1. Salon européen des jeunes créateurs = Salao europeu de jovens criadores Salón europeo de jóvenes creadores. Saló eruropeu de joves creadors Europäische Platform junger Künstler Salon erupeo dei giovani creatori : Montrouge, France, marie de Montrouge - salle des fetes, host the exibition in April/May [28.4.-18.5.2005] : Amarante, Portugal, Museu Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso, host the exhibition in June, July [25.6.-31.7.2005] : L´hospitalet de Llobregat, Catalunya, Espanya, Centro Cultural Metropolita Tecla Sala, host the exhibition in October/November [6.10.-20.11.2005] : Salzburg, Österreich, Galerie im Tranklhaus, host the exhibition om December/January [15.12.2005-30.1.2006] : Genova, Italia, Palazzo Ducale, Loggia degli Abati, host the exhibition in February/March [25.2.-19.3.2006] / [Kurátorka slovenskej časti výstavy Beáta Jablonská] . Montrouge : Salon européen des jeunes créateurs, [2004] . 118 s . [1, z toho voľných 1]
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