Number of the records: 1
Pattern Analysis, Machine
MeSH Tree Structures - Pattern Analysis, Machine
- veda informačná [l01] +
- metodológie počítačové [l01.224] +
- algoritmy [l01.224.050] +
- inteligencia umelá [l01.224.050.375] +
- heuristika počítačová [l01.224.050.375.095]
- systémy expertné [l01.224.050.375.190]
- fuzzy logika [l01.224.050.375.250]
- Generative Artificial Intelligence [l01.224.050.375.308]
- Intelligent Systems [l01.224.050.375.365]
- bázy znalostné [l01.224.050.375.480] +
- učenie strojové [l01.224.050.375.530] +
- spracovávanie prirodzeného jazyka (reči) [l01.224.050.375.580]
- siete neurónové počítačové [l01.224.050.375.605] +
- Particle Swarm Optimization [l01.224.050.375.612]
- Pattern Analysis, Machine
- Prediction Methods, Machine [l01.224.050.375.618] +
- robotika [l01.224.050.375.630] +
- analýza postojová [l01.224.050.375.815]
- inteligencia umelá [l01.224.050.375] +
- algoritmy [l01.224.050] +
- metodológie počítačové [l01.224] +
subject heading
- veda informačná [l01] +
Number of the records: 1